We plant churches and develop leaders in the nations

Insight Video

The "Insight Video" will bring you regular news and testimonies from our missions, trainings and church-planting projects in the nations.
News from the Israel
General News from the Nations
We have planted the church EPP (Eglise Protestante le Panier) in the historical part of the city of Marseille. EPP Church has today 10 locations in France, Austria and Guadeloupe Island. In 2019 we passed the senior leadership on to the next generation.  Today I (Björn) am the apostolic advisor of EPP Church an Brita still leads the counseling department. As soon as I (Björn) let down the senior leadership of EPP Church, I started to invest all my time in church-planting and the development of networks. In 2019 we launched the network  "Crossing Waves". In 2022 Crossing Waves was represented in more than 20 nations. Within the network we train leaders, connect and develop churches with the aim to help those churches to plant other churches.
Since 2020 I (Björn) am also the CEO of "BFP International Network". The "BFP-IN" is part of the German pentecostal Mouvement and gathers all international churches planted by BFP missionaries or BFP churches.
If we want to plant many new churches we will need to train many church-planters. In 2018 I discovered  DCPI trainings schools. I felt in my heart that I should take this tool to train others to plant churches. Today I (Björn) am the director of training of DCPI Europe with the responsibility for hundreds of church-planting trainers all over Europe.
Training is the center of our ministry. We travel the nations or train online in the following subjects:
  • Church planting (live or online)
  • Leadership Training (live or online)
  • Holistic Lifestyle (live or online)
  • Couples Training (live only)
  • Holy Spirit ans prophetic training (live only)

Weblinks of our ministry

We learn a lot through teaching, but we develop competence through coaching and mentoring. We, Björn & Brita are certified coaches and have helped a great number of leaders to find new orientation in their lives and ministries.
Out of our rich experience, we have helped leaders and ministries in more than 17 nations in their development. We invest ourselves with one aim, to help people to grow in a healthy and holistic way so that they might multiply and stay happy.

Israel - Bridge Project

Partner Development

Project Description
We build a bridge with the aim to bring young Israeli believers in relationship with young believers from Europe. We want to develop these relationships so that they might become partnerships who will bring forth common projects for the kingdom of God.
Every bridge has two sides:

1.The Israeli Side
We support projects which allow believers from Europe to go for a specific time to Israel for an internship. On the ground they help to develop our partner projects in Israel.

2.The European Side
We invite Israeli believers to live an internship in some European ministry. There we want to train them and give them the experience in different departments of ministry. By this way we give our very best to help the development of a young generation in Israel.

The mission of the project
The mission of “The Bridge” is to develop a partnership between churches in Europe and congregations in Israel, to build the kingdom of God among the Jewish population in Israel and Europe. We want to train believers for mission and church-planting among the people of Israel. Through this partnerships we also strengthen relationships and grow friendships between Israel and the nations as an active participation against a rising anti-Semitism in Europe.

How can you support this project?

1.Church Partnership
a)One congregation in Israel develops partnership with different churches in several European nations.
b)Once a year both churches organize visits to develop friendships, discover culture and life of the partner.
c)The partner churches / congregations discover the synergy and serve each other in their strengths.
d)If possible short-term missions are planned on both sides.

2.Creating space for internships (if you are in Europe)
a)The needs in the development of young generation leaders are multiple. We want to give our strength to train them and give them the very best of our experience.
b)The time of these internships can be two weeks as it can be for several month. It depends on the situation.
c)We speak about the costs of these internships in point 4.

3.Organize trips to Israel
a)Many people do make a trip to Israel, to discover the biblical places. Often there is no or little time to connect with local believers and ministries. But this doesn’t have to be like this.
We would love to help you to plan a trip where you see the stones and meet the people.
For this reason, our slogan is: Israel = Stones & People

4.Help to finance the Internships
The internships cost money. To make theses internships possible we have developed a dual system.
a)The Israeli who is coming to Europe to experience an internship, tries to raise the funds and to gather the money. If ever the funds are not enough for the internship, we don’t want those finances are a reason why not to come to Europe to be trained. In that moment point b) comes in place.
b)We have opened a fund which allows us to help the young Israeli with finances for his time in Europe. If he didn’t raise enough funds, he can apply for a grant at our office.

5.Joining the missions-movement
a)with short-term missions
b)with long-term missionaries

Watch the story of our first 7 years in Marseille with English subtitles

This film was realized by Connor Sullivan in 2021 during his 10 month discipleship school in EPP Church Marseille. Thank you to Connor and all the team helping to realize this amazing film of our first years in mission which taught us that through perseverance we will obtain the promises of God.

You can choose the subtitles: English, German and Spanish
Björn & Brita Lütke
50, Rue des Moulins
13002 Marseille


Tel: +33 (0)